11. Decryption¶
Message decryption is the process of taking an encrypted message and recovering its plaintext. This involves multiple steps.
Implementations typically first process the PKESK and SKESK packets leading the SEIPD packet to identify *ESK packets suitable for decryption. A PKESK packet is suitable if it contains a recipient-Key ID matching a decryption (sub-) key of the user’s certificate. Typically, all *ESK packets leading a SEIPD packet contain the same session key once decrypted.
Anonymous-recipient PKESK packets contain a recipient-Key ID of 0
, so if no suitable non-anonymous PKESK was found, any anonymous PKESKs are tried with any available decryption (sub-) keys (see Anonymous recipients).
If no suitable PKESK packets were found, SKESK packets are tried next, meaning the user is typically prompted to enter a decryption passphrase.
Once any of these methods succeeded, the resulting session key is used to decrypt the SEIPD packet.
11.1. Passphrase-protected session key (SKESK)¶
Decrypting a SKESK packet to recover the session key is done by performing the encryption steps in reverse, based on a user-provided passphrase.
In both version 4 and version 6 of the SKESK packet, the user is prompted to enter a passphrase, which is passed through the S2K function described by the SKESK packet. However, the subsequent steps of the procedure are different, as described in the following sections.
11.1.1. SKESK v4¶
Here, the result of the S2K function is a symmetric key, which is either used to decrypt the encrypted session key contained in the SKESK packet, or - less commonly - used as session key directly (see Direct-Method).
The “direct method” where the result of the S2K function is directly used as session key is only applicable if only one SKESK packet is present.
Fig. 27 Decrypting the session key from a version 4 SKESK packet.¶
With version 4 SKESK packets, which are only used with version 1 SEIPD packets, the session key is used as message key without an intermediate derivation. Direct-Method¶
In version 4 of the SKESK packet, the encrypted session key is optional. A missing encrypted session key signals the use of the “direct-method,” which means the result of passing the passphrase through the S2K function is directly used as the session key/message key.
When the direct method is used, the symmetric cipher algorithm ID of the SKESK packet dictates the cipher algorithm used to decrypt the plaintext from the SEIPD packet.
Otherwise, the cipher algorithm ID to decrypt the SEIPD packet was prefixed to the decrypted session key.
Sanitizing this algorithm ID of the decrypted session key acts as a very early quick check to verify that the used passphrase was correct. For further validation of the session key, see Verify successful session key decryption.
11.1.2. SKESK v6¶
With version 6 SKESK packets, the result of the passing the passphrase through the S2K function is used as initial keying material (IKM) to derive a symmetric key encryption key using HKDF as a key derivation function. The HKDF function doesn’t use any salt in this step, and the info parameter is assembled from parameters of the SKESK packet.
In the next step, this symmetric key is used to decrypt the session key using AEAD. The AEAD function uses information from the associated SEIPD v2 packet as additional data. The function is also salted using the SEIPD v2’s salt. The AEAD Auth Tag of the SKESK packet is used as authentication tag.
The result is the session key.
Fig. 28 Decrypting the session key from a version 6 SKESK packet.¶
11.2. Key-protected session key (PKESK)¶
More common than SKESK packets are PKESK packets which are used to protect the session key using an encryption key of the recipient.
11.2.1. PKESK v3¶
With version 3 PKESKs, the recipient’s secret encryption (sub-) key is directly used to decrypt the encrypted session key.
The Key ID of the subkey to be used is recorded in the PKESKs key-id field. A value of 0
indicates an anonymous recipient (see Anonymous recipients).
To detect, which symmetric cipher is used to decrypt the SEIPD v1 packet later on, each public key algorithm uses a slightly different encoding to unpack the symmetric algorithm tag from the decrypted session key. See the respective sections[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] of the standard. Typically, the cipher algorithm ID is prefixed to the actual session key.
Fig. 29 Decrypting the session key from a version 3 PKESK packet.¶
11.2.2. PKESK v6¶
The decryption of version 6 PKESK packets works quite similarly to version 3.
Fig. 30 Decrypting the session key from a version 6 PKESK packet.¶
Contrary to the version 3 PKESK, the encrypted session key within the version 6 PKESK does not contain the symmetric cipher algorithm used to decrypt the SEIPD packet. Instead, this cipher algorithm ID is encoded inside the SEIPD v2 packet directly.
11.3. SEIPD (v1)¶
Version 1 SEIPD packets MUST only be used with version 3 PKESK packets and/or version 4 SKESK packets. Any other combinations are not allowed and MUST result in a broken message.
Since SEIPD version 1 is susceptible to downgrade attacks under certain scenarios, it is recommended to use SEIPD version 2 wherever possible.
To decrypt the contents of a version 1 SEIPD packet, the session key obtained in the previous step is used. The cipher algorithm is either extracted from the decrypted session key (the algorithm ID is typically prefixed to the decrypted session key), or - in case of a SKESK packet using the direct-method - taken from the SKESKs cipher algorithm field.
Once the cipher is initialized, the whole encrypted data from the SEIPD packet is decrypted.
11.3.1. Verifying the quick-check bytes¶
To quickly verify that the correct session-key was used during decryption, bytes with index 14 and 15 are compared to those with index 16 and 17 (zero-indexed). A mismatch of those pairs of bytes indicates that the wrong session-key was used and decryption is aborted.
11.3.2. Verifying the modification detection code (mdc)¶
The contents of a SEIPDv1 packet are protected against unnoticed modification via the addition of a modification detection code. This is done by calculating the SHA1 checksum of the entire decrypted plaintext, but excluding the last 20 bytes, which are the actual checksum computed by the sender. Compare figure Fig. 25.
The result is then compared to those last 20 bytes to detect modifications of the ciphertext.
Fig. 31 The contents of the SEIPD packet are decrypted using the session key as message key.¶
11.4. SEIPD w/ AEAD (v2)¶
Preferred mode. Version 2 SEIPD packets MUST only be used with version 6 PKESK packets and/or version 6 SKESK packets. Any other combinations are not allowed and MUST result in a broken message.
Once the session key was obtained from a PKESK or SKESK, it is used to derive a message key and an IV. This is done by passing the session key through a salted HKDF function, where the salt is unique per message and obtained from the SEIPD packet.
The result is split into the message key and first half of the IV.
Fig. 32 In a first step, a message key and half of an IV is derived from the session key.¶
Then, the contents of the SEIPDs encrypted data are split into chunks, which are processed sequentially. Each chunk is decrypted using AEAD with parameters from the SEIPD packet as additional data.
For each chunk, the chunk index starting at 0
is passed into the function as second half of the IV.
All decrypted plaintext blocks are appended to form the result of the decryption process.
After all blocks have been processed, in a final AEAD step, the total number of plaintext octets gets appended to the additional data and the final AEAD auth tag from the SEIPD packet is processed.
Fig. 33 Each chunk is decrypted using AEAD using the message key and an IV with appended chunk index.¶
11.5. SED¶
The Symmetrically Encrypted Data packet predates the SEIPD packet and is nowadays deprecated. Due to the lack of integrity protection, this packet is susceptible to a whole class of attacks where the attacker modifies the ciphertext. Therefore, implementations MUST NOT produce this packet and are encouraged not to accept incoming SED packages from untrusted sources.